LEVEL | MEDIC | The Medic Courses are NON diving coursesPREREQUISITES18 Years
- FA: First Aid
- OFA: Oxygen First Aid
- ADVOFA: Advanced Oxygen First Aid
- NEURO: Neurological Assessment
- HMLI: Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
- AED: Automated External Defibrillator
COURSES BREAKDOWN5 hours Academics, lectures & Practical Training per course
RATE150 USD per course
SCHEDULE Schedules are based on availability and your preferred timing.
CERTIFICATIONNo certifications are to be issued unless all the below are met:
- Prerequisites met.
- Course fully completed.
- Certification is earned.
- Courses fees completely paid.
RULESSkipping a pre-planned/approved session (within 24 hours) will result on a 100$ extra charge per course dive to reschedule the session
The course fees are non-refundable in the event: Attendee Stopped, By-passed 3 months or Cancelled for any reason, and if the amount is not fully paid, the diver will be liable for the remaining unpaid balance.