LEVEL | RECREATIONAL PRO LEVELPREREQUISITES- Candidate should be certified as Dive Master
- Possess a log book were dives are logged for reference
- Liability releases and medical report will be requested prior to course enrollment.
- Minimum age requirement: 18 years
- 60 logged dives at the time of certification
- Complete personal SCUBA gear
COURSE BREAKDOWNAcademics: Minimum 85 Hours
Open Water Dives: 9
Swimming & Diving Skills are needed
RATECourse Fees are USD 2,000-
The fees excludes: PIC price and Registration
Yearly renewal is required
SCHEDULE Schedules are based on availability and your preferred timing.
Sessions will be scheduled sequentially after each previous session.
CERTIFICATIONNo certifications are to be issued unless all the below are met:
- Prerequisites met.
- Course fully completed: Online education system, Online exam, Successful Water training.
- Certification is earned.
- Courses fees completely paid.
CONTINUOUS EDUCATIONInstructor Trainer / Technical Diver
RULESSkipping a pre-planned/approved session (within 24 hours) will result on a 50$ extra charge per course dive to reschedule the session
After 3 months from date of enrollment, if the course is not fully completed in terms of: Online Course, Online exam and water training dives, it will result on cancelling the course without any compensation.
The course fees are non-refundable in the event: Attendee Stopped, By-passed 3 months or Cancelled for any reason, and if the amount is not fully paid, the diver will be liable for the remaining unpaid balance.
- General SCUBA rules and regulations apply.